United Kingdom & Northern Ireland

Strong Together.

We are on a mission to release thousands of families and businesses from the threat of bailiffs and their loss of possessions by revolutionizing the system of debt collection.

CAPP aims to step in and protect your assets when you need them most. We’re bringing hope and a future to thousands. We will help you get back on your feet when the burden of debt, becomes too much to bear.

New Blog & Capp’s New Concept

Crippled by Debt?
There IS a Way Out…

Struggling with overwhelming debt can feel literally crippling at times. You are constantly aware of the huge number owed and feel all but powerless in your ability to tackle the issue...

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We are a new concept, and as you’ll see in the about us we are a team of professional volunteers. We believe we were connected together as we’ve all fell victim to debt in the past and lost assets household/business. We want to reassure the communities we work in, that CAPP have there best interest at heart.